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Production Page.jpg

Step 1

Each product starts off as a sheet of 3mm plate steel. Using an angle grinder, I cut out the rough size and shape of each part. Using a mop disc on the angle grinder, I accurately removed excess material and chamfer the edges down to their final shape.


Step 3

Once all the slots are drilled on the main plate, I move onto welding all the parts together. For this, I  ensure a 30 degree chamfer on the edges that are to be welded. For welding, I used an ESAB MIG welder with argon shielding gas on a relatively fast spool. This allows for high weld penetration without burn throughs or having to remove too much weld afterward. 

welded up.jpg

Step 5

After a quick test fit of each part, they're ready for paint. I sprayed on 2 coats of grey primer and 2 coats of black paint once the primer had dried for 30 mins. Then I allow them to cure in the house.

painted with primer.jpg

Step 2

Once all the parts are cut and shaped, the drilling process begins. For this, I had to convert a drill press into a makeshift milling press for cutting slots. 



Step 4

 After welding, I grind down the welds into a smooth joint which completely hides the weld and gives a sleek look. I now move onto fabricating the backing plate. 


Step 6

After the paint cures for 24 hours, the finishing touches are now required. I cut out and super glue rubber padding to the back of the backing plate and main plate. Finally, I stick the custom made stickers to each product. I then package them our environmentally friendly cardboard box and they're ready for selling.

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